(2028 Syrian Presidential Election)
(Draft Bill)
4 year fixed term Syrian presidential elections beginning in 2028
Syrian Presidential elections to be decided by the popular vote and first-past-the-post voting
Assembly coalition greater than 50% votes overrides the highest overall party percentage
Syrian Assembly of 15 directly elected seats
SP7500 an hour minimum wage (including gig work)
SP1,050,000 a month UBI per person under a SP12,600,000 yearly income
20% consolidated flat tax over SP3,600,000 a year (with double taxation)
20% corporate tax on profits
20% value added tax tax on each stage of sale (paid quarterly)
20% value added tax on importing
VAT tax registration over SP3,600,000 a year
Sole trader registration over SP3,600,000 a year
Estimated Revenue: SP100 trillion a year (SP10 trillion surplus a year)