£20/$25 an hour min wage ($25 x 40 x 4.345 x 0.80 = $3476) (x2 average rent)

£3000/$3500 a month UBI per person under a £36K/$42K yearly income (x2 average rent)

£3000/$3500 a month UBI per person would cost 100% of the yearly budget (100% of the population)

Under a £36K/$42K yearly income it becomes 20% of the yearly budget (20% of the population)

$25 an hour min wage and UBI and 20% flat tax is High Income + Tax Revenue (High Income Tax Revenue)

$25 an hour min wage and UBI and 20% flat tax is the solution for a surplus (everything is a circle cycle)

20% flat tax means traders who pay 40% tax can afford more $25 min wage jobs (Income + Tax is the highest revenue in politics)

Middle Class Min Wage + Poor Tax is the best solution in politics (a person can only buy the album once for income plurality)

Philosophy of the Freedom Act 'privatize everything' except for the NHS/NUS (with private contracts)

Bernie's Medicare For All = Private Hospital Contracts (it doesn't mean selling it off like BT, British Rail, Royal Mail)

80% of the UK/US population earn less than £20/$25 an hour (Poorest = Plural Min Wage Jobs)

400 MPs, 400 Representatives, 80 Senators switching to a new Corbyn/Bernie party (Supermajority > POTUS)