
(2029 Belgian Federal Election)

(Draft Bill)

€25 an hour minimum wage (including gig work)

€3500 a month UBI per person under a €42,000 yearly income

20% consolidated flat tax over €12,000 a year (with double taxation)

20% corporate tax on profits

20% value added tax tax on each stage of sale (paid quarterly)

20% value added tax on importing

VAT tax registration over €12,000 a year

Sole trader registration over €12,000 a year

Open border immigration legalized

Naturalization fees abolished

Neck restraint use by police outlawed

Pepper spray use by police and public outlawed

Police guns, batons, stun guns, stun batons, tasers outlawed

Unlimited guns for special police

Polygamy marriage legalized

Sale of alcohol/tobacco/vapes lowered to age 16

Sale of cannabis legalized at age 16

Cannabis grower licensing legalized

Cannabis retail licensing legalized

10 mg per serving and 100 mg per package retail limit for THC edibles

Manufacturing and selling synthetic cannabis outlawed

Recreational drugs decriminalized

Car and light motorcycle learner/full licenses raised to age 18 (excluding mobility cars)

Estimated Revenue: €250 billion a year (€10 billion surplus a year)